Welcome to the public website of the FP7 Support Action


Creation of a critical and commented database on the
health, safety and environmental impact of nanoparticles

NHECD is supported by the European Commission's 7th RTD Framework Programme

Project Number: NMP4-SA-2008-218639

Project Start: December 1st, 2008

Project Duration: 48 months

Please visit the NHECD Database

NHECD is a free access, robust and sustainable web based information system including a knowledge repository on the impact of nanoparticles on health, safety and the environment. It includes unstructured data (e.g., scientific papers and other relevant publications). It also includes a mechanism for updating its knowledge repository, thus enabling the creation of a large and developing collection of published data on environmental and health effects following exposure to nanoparticles

The system includes basic, advanced, intelligent and taxonomic level search features, depending on the specifics required during the retrieval process. This provides a comprehensive solution to wading through copious amounts of information, and provides the user with an option to make either a general or specialised search.


Our special feature - Intelligent search:

... a unique method to target the information you need. This search feature is especially crafted for the needs of researchers in the nanoscience field. This feature includes among other capabilities the power to search by model, experiment and nanoparticles attributes. This unique approach enables you to search for exact data taken from the results of all experiments described in the corpus articles.

To enter the system click here... ⇓





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